咨询热线 400-6162-110



太仓市华顿外国语学校是中锐教育集团旗下的一所十五年一贯制的寄宿制高端民办双语国际化学校,也是 IB 世界学校中的一员。学校位于苏州中路 200 号,邻近昆山、上海,交通便捷。学校占地面积 120 亩,建筑面积近三万平方米,欧式建筑风格,校园景色宜人。一流的设施设备为学生营造温馨的学习生活环境。华顿学校通过以国家基础教育为核心、IB 框架下的双语融合课程,打造英语特长,充分发挥学生的科学、艺术天赋,培养学生的探究能力和综合素质,提供多元可选择的升学通道,帮助学生成为中西并重、文理兼长、全球视野,适应新时代发展的终身学习者和世界公民。

The Walton Foreign Language School Taicang of The Chiway Group is one of the top K-12 boarding private bilingual schools in China, and an IB World School. The campus is conveniently located at 200 Suzhouzhong Road, near Kunshan and Shanghai. The school is 120 acre in size, has European style buildings and a beautiful landscape, and houses advanced facilities for an ideal living and learning environment for students. WFLST provides a bilingual curriculum with national curriculum at its core and under the umbrella of IB principles. WFLST’s education strengthens students’English skills, taps their artistic potentials and expands their curiosity in science. It trains students to inquire and maximizes their chances of getting an ideal education and become a well-rounded world citizen and life-long learner.






The International Department understands student’s personalities, learning styles and talents. We help students tap into their potentials and achieve life-long success and happiness.





Established Curriculum

华顿国际部提供 IB DP 授权以及剑桥考评局 A- Level 认证的金牌课程,由具有多年海外经验的精英中外教团队负责教学,对每一个学生进行耐心指导,帮助学生做好出国留学的准备。

We are authorized to offer IB DP and A-Level courses. We have an experienced, elite team of Chinese and Foreign teachers to teach every student with abundant patience.



Individualized Counseling


Professional Chinese and Foreign counselors work together to design individualized paths to reach top universities in the world.



Program-based Experience


We help students identify their professional interests and immerse them in the program so that they develop relevant skills and vision.



Abundant Activities


Students play all kinds of sports to maintain a healthy body and mind and experience diverse world cultures through major holidays and cultural exchange events.